A stoneway siren's song for dusty travellers
It welcomes you
it beckons to broken shards of city bards
of workers hard and busriders sore with fare to settle
gathering, collecting like weathered leaves
with long stories to tell;
it brings up people we forgot about,
or never knew 'til now.
Ruminating over glaze of jam
laughing and lamenting crimes of Uncle Sam,
Swilling earthen bean in a tongue of war
over salty work politic--
all comers take the artist's brush and knife
and embrace the lust of countryside
where city scapes whisper of old trolls and moldy souls
whose ghosts still linger in our doorways.
Where is a musician's swarthy soul when you need one?
but at a coffee house.
Dipping into soup pots, a carrot stock bringing fiber
to customer's spiritual sustenance,
a celery circumstance, a donut hole we not yet know,
a toasted cheese--an exhorted salty sentence to please!
a pearful of ginger in a muffin
to trounce your savory tongue.
A taste of pumpkin spice to forever entice!
Truck drivers, merchants and social workers
cutting each other off to see smoky wafts of rising steam
from the holy brew of Kuma Coffee.
It welcomes you.
It beckons to broken shards of holy bards
in all of us.
Think twice next time you ride nearby on city bus.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Taxes must be raised like in the '80s and '90s
Why can't Democrats raise taxes the way “Reagan did 11 times in his office by closing loopholes on the rich, hiked gas and payroll taxes and abolished special favors; and George H. W. Bush did (including raising surtaxes on yachts, luxury sedans and jets) which cost him the election in 1992”. How is it that republicans now have no regard for the poor or middle class and are strictly now after coveting the most wealth and want it there way and damn the poor and middle class in the process who simply must accept the higher tax burden. “Now the conservatives want to force cuts in federal spending by bankrupting the country.” In the 80s Bob Dole was the one who undid a lot of the Reagan tax cuts. Where were the democrats? “The republicans (Reagan) embraced it because at some point one has to pay the bills.” “Bill Clinton continued raising taxes and it cost him both houses of Congress in 1994. The republicans had decided on an oath at this point to cut taxes for the rich no matter what. No republican dared risk breaking this oath from here forward. As the republicans now ruled the houses they chose to eliminate inheritance taxes and on inheritance income” (Newt Gingrich led the charge!). “ Capital gains taxes were cut as well. Now 62% of every dollar went to the top 1% of income earners.” Grover Norquist was the wizard behind these tax cuts that became part of the heart of the republican party that no one would dare oppose.
But Clinton throughout his career of being president and certainly at the end of his presidency vetoed as many tax cuts as he could. This is part of the reason I believe George Bush Jr. got in in 2000. He killed the necessary taxation of the rich. Grover Norquist and vice president Cheney and their lot drove the economy off a cliff.
My thoughts and suggestions are that we increase taxation more to where it was in the 80s and 90s which might be reasonable to reach and tax the buying and trading of stocks. I have been saying this to people for many years. I really believe it could pull us out of the depths of despair. But the president and Congress would have to be willing to stretch this far; it is truly the least they could do.
By Aaron Crosetto
Why can't Democrats raise taxes the way “Reagan did 11 times in his office by closing loopholes on the rich, hiked gas and payroll taxes and abolished special favors; and George H. W. Bush did (including raising surtaxes on yachts, luxury sedans and jets) which cost him the election in 1992”. How is it that republicans now have no regard for the poor or middle class and are strictly now after coveting the most wealth and want it there way and damn the poor and middle class in the process who simply must accept the higher tax burden. “Now the conservatives want to force cuts in federal spending by bankrupting the country.” In the 80s Bob Dole was the one who undid a lot of the Reagan tax cuts. Where were the democrats? “The republicans (Reagan) embraced it because at some point one has to pay the bills.” “Bill Clinton continued raising taxes and it cost him both houses of Congress in 1994. The republicans had decided on an oath at this point to cut taxes for the rich no matter what. No republican dared risk breaking this oath from here forward. As the republicans now ruled the houses they chose to eliminate inheritance taxes and on inheritance income” (Newt Gingrich led the charge!). “ Capital gains taxes were cut as well. Now 62% of every dollar went to the top 1% of income earners.” Grover Norquist was the wizard behind these tax cuts that became part of the heart of the republican party that no one would dare oppose.
But Clinton throughout his career of being president and certainly at the end of his presidency vetoed as many tax cuts as he could. This is part of the reason I believe George Bush Jr. got in in 2000. He killed the necessary taxation of the rich. Grover Norquist and vice president Cheney and their lot drove the economy off a cliff.
My thoughts and suggestions are that we increase taxation more to where it was in the 80s and 90s which might be reasonable to reach and tax the buying and trading of stocks. I have been saying this to people for many years. I really believe it could pull us out of the depths of despair. But the president and Congress would have to be willing to stretch this far; it is truly the least they could do.
By Aaron Crosetto
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Mental Health and economics
If we want to actively keep our freedoms, then we must educate ourselves continually to stay on top
of the issues we hold most dear in a democracy. We all owe a great debt to those willing to occupy
Wall Street and hold these Wall Street criminals to task. But people involved on any level also may
feel a bit of impotence in our current global union to really be able to get politicians to make change.
Obama said, "it is up to the people." Well we have spoken and continue to speak. What has Obama
done in response? Impotent leadership is all we have witnessed so far. He actually has made large
amounts of money off the scandals being protested. The wealth for the top 1 % keeps multiplying
and we are left with fewer and fewer crumbs. Money rules all voting, not the people's vote. This is
the implied message being spread everywhere.
Even back in 1890, a populist orator Mary Elizabeth Lease said, "Wall Street owns the country...
our laws are the output of a system which clothes rascals in robes and honesty in rags. The pol-
itical parties lie to us and the political speakers mislead us...Money rules."
Corporations, banks and governments are working against the common people and what is left of our
welfare. This causes psychological suffering on pandemic levels. And sadly, our president is in bed
with these destroyers of democratic hope. Politicians nothing but money launderers. The corporations
see to this. On top of it all, the wealthiest barely pay any taxes. Corporations are also paying pol-
iticians to kill any and all legislation that might help the common soul. Those trying to help the poor
and middle class become marginalized and easily defeated. Except perhaps by large and small groups
like occupy Wall Street.
"Vast inequalities of income weakens a societie's sense of mutual concern...The sense that we are
all members of the social order is vital to the meaning of civilization." It is private interest over public
duty. These emence stressors spark mental illness and the depletion of health for everyone but the
wealthy who have the riches to help with psychiatry, medecine and counseling. The treacherous
nature of economic crashes and strain and painful toil hurt our health and take our sanity and strengths
to lower and lower levels as people desperately try to survive in the wreckage of our societie's social
security net which they so need to survive. Mental health equals quality of life that needs support of
the top 1% in today's stratification of wealth to survive unless by some miracle wealth can be redistrib-
uted properly, including through progressive taxation of the wealthy classes. If this does not happen,
the rubble we find ourselves within in America is not unlike that of the book "Lord of the Flies." This is
a world where no quality of life is possible and would mean death to many. This would be the end to
what we know as mental health. Please let's keep up the struggle for human rights and occupying
Wall Street, government and banking not just in America but the whole of the world.
by Aaron Crosetto
If we want to actively keep our freedoms, then we must educate ourselves continually to stay on top
of the issues we hold most dear in a democracy. We all owe a great debt to those willing to occupy
Wall Street and hold these Wall Street criminals to task. But people involved on any level also may
feel a bit of impotence in our current global union to really be able to get politicians to make change.
Obama said, "it is up to the people." Well we have spoken and continue to speak. What has Obama
done in response? Impotent leadership is all we have witnessed so far. He actually has made large
amounts of money off the scandals being protested. The wealth for the top 1 % keeps multiplying
and we are left with fewer and fewer crumbs. Money rules all voting, not the people's vote. This is
the implied message being spread everywhere.
Even back in 1890, a populist orator Mary Elizabeth Lease said, "Wall Street owns the country...
our laws are the output of a system which clothes rascals in robes and honesty in rags. The pol-
itical parties lie to us and the political speakers mislead us...Money rules."
Corporations, banks and governments are working against the common people and what is left of our
welfare. This causes psychological suffering on pandemic levels. And sadly, our president is in bed
with these destroyers of democratic hope. Politicians nothing but money launderers. The corporations
see to this. On top of it all, the wealthiest barely pay any taxes. Corporations are also paying pol-
iticians to kill any and all legislation that might help the common soul. Those trying to help the poor
and middle class become marginalized and easily defeated. Except perhaps by large and small groups
like occupy Wall Street.
"Vast inequalities of income weakens a societie's sense of mutual concern...The sense that we are
all members of the social order is vital to the meaning of civilization." It is private interest over public
duty. These emence stressors spark mental illness and the depletion of health for everyone but the
wealthy who have the riches to help with psychiatry, medecine and counseling. The treacherous
nature of economic crashes and strain and painful toil hurt our health and take our sanity and strengths
to lower and lower levels as people desperately try to survive in the wreckage of our societie's social
security net which they so need to survive. Mental health equals quality of life that needs support of
the top 1% in today's stratification of wealth to survive unless by some miracle wealth can be redistrib-
uted properly, including through progressive taxation of the wealthy classes. If this does not happen,
the rubble we find ourselves within in America is not unlike that of the book "Lord of the Flies." This is
a world where no quality of life is possible and would mean death to many. This would be the end to
what we know as mental health. Please let's keep up the struggle for human rights and occupying
Wall Street, government and banking not just in America but the whole of the world.
by Aaron Crosetto
Saturday, October 29, 2011
latest article revised
Natural Gas hybrids vs. Gasoline hybrids
Why aren't more people riding around the city in Natural Gas and electricity? Natural gas is very clean curtailing exhaust emissions by large percentages. Because at the moment there are very few refueling stations. But my dream would be to see them peppered all over the nation, the world soon! With the proper appliance one can even refuel your natural gas vehicle in the convenience of home at a significant savings. Currently the Honda Civic GX is a vehicle leading the pack toward more responsible driving. I just saw a recycling truck that runs on natural gas turning the corner as I wait for my hybrid bus to pick me up. My concern is why not marry the two—natural gas and electric cars into a new special hybrid?
It has caught on with some business organizations then! Unfortunately, natural gas cars burn more fuel than gasoline cars do; but it is allowable to use the HOV lanes with a single driver in a natural gas vehicle and therefore saving gas that way! Drivers with long commutes would not save more money with natural gas and as we know many who live up north and on the east side would be prime candidates. Sadly there are also not many lobbies for NGVs, so it may be a while before their popularity may spring up; I am betting on the long run that they will though. Government energy policy and tax credits favor gasoline cars and ethanol, but only at the moment they do. However, in a typical 5-year ownership of the car, NGVs only would use two thousand dollars in fuel while a gasoline car spends $8000, but I do not know what a gasoline hybrid costs. Ultimately I want to know what a natural gas hybrid could do. However, it is important to note the increasing cost of gasoline every year. This would not be the case with natural gas as the America's (including Canada and Mexico) have quite a bit of resources for the forseeable future. Your concerns of cleaner air and less problems with our climate issues would also help one make the leap to natural gas hybrids. Bon voyage with a better conscience and fatter wallet!
By Aaron Crosetto
Why aren't more people riding around the city in Natural Gas and electricity? Natural gas is very clean curtailing exhaust emissions by large percentages. Because at the moment there are very few refueling stations. But my dream would be to see them peppered all over the nation, the world soon! With the proper appliance one can even refuel your natural gas vehicle in the convenience of home at a significant savings. Currently the Honda Civic GX is a vehicle leading the pack toward more responsible driving. I just saw a recycling truck that runs on natural gas turning the corner as I wait for my hybrid bus to pick me up. My concern is why not marry the two—natural gas and electric cars into a new special hybrid?
It has caught on with some business organizations then! Unfortunately, natural gas cars burn more fuel than gasoline cars do; but it is allowable to use the HOV lanes with a single driver in a natural gas vehicle and therefore saving gas that way! Drivers with long commutes would not save more money with natural gas and as we know many who live up north and on the east side would be prime candidates. Sadly there are also not many lobbies for NGVs, so it may be a while before their popularity may spring up; I am betting on the long run that they will though. Government energy policy and tax credits favor gasoline cars and ethanol, but only at the moment they do. However, in a typical 5-year ownership of the car, NGVs only would use two thousand dollars in fuel while a gasoline car spends $8000, but I do not know what a gasoline hybrid costs. Ultimately I want to know what a natural gas hybrid could do. However, it is important to note the increasing cost of gasoline every year. This would not be the case with natural gas as the America's (including Canada and Mexico) have quite a bit of resources for the forseeable future. Your concerns of cleaner air and less problems with our climate issues would also help one make the leap to natural gas hybrids. Bon voyage with a better conscience and fatter wallet!
By Aaron Crosetto
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
latest article for INSP blog and the newsletter
Hegemony for the Men who moil for Gold
We are coming up on All Hallow's Eve, and waiting in the darkest recesses of our bank books and bank vaults are all manner of ghoul and goblin; hedging bets for the trillions to be made. Criminal banking for the corrupt few. Sadly Democrats and Republicans who allowed this to happen refuse to acknowledge the idiomatic mathematical problem that has been disembowling us for years. This allowable reckless and irresponsible banking and hedge funds are all money extracted through trade, banking and taxes. Our taxes, our banking (only globally for all hard working families and those desperately trying to find work and get hard at it!), and our countrie's trading has been rounded up by our outlaw bought Congress so this illegal expedition can be carried out and they don't care a whit about it's people and it simply needs to be abandoned like what Teddy Roosevelt said back in his day. Screw our useless Congress! Hell, if I could hedge, I would bet that our President doesn't wear a toupee! Derivative evils should be made illegal now, even yesterday! We need a President who acknowledges this serious gadfly issue and will take monster-sized steps in rectifying this hereto issue. I would like to hedge my small, hard-toiled fortune on a belief that the futures in hedging money will end soon, perhaps by some forseable Halloween come hither! Let them moil for profit in the same way us 99% have to. Until then, continue to occupy Wall Street and make the streets safer for Main Street and our children's futures. Let's hedge toward sharing and thanksgiving instead.
We are coming up on All Hallow's Eve, and waiting in the darkest recesses of our bank books and bank vaults are all manner of ghoul and goblin; hedging bets for the trillions to be made. Criminal banking for the corrupt few. Sadly Democrats and Republicans who allowed this to happen refuse to acknowledge the idiomatic mathematical problem that has been disembowling us for years. This allowable reckless and irresponsible banking and hedge funds are all money extracted through trade, banking and taxes. Our taxes, our banking (only globally for all hard working families and those desperately trying to find work and get hard at it!), and our countrie's trading has been rounded up by our outlaw bought Congress so this illegal expedition can be carried out and they don't care a whit about it's people and it simply needs to be abandoned like what Teddy Roosevelt said back in his day. Screw our useless Congress! Hell, if I could hedge, I would bet that our President doesn't wear a toupee! Derivative evils should be made illegal now, even yesterday! We need a President who acknowledges this serious gadfly issue and will take monster-sized steps in rectifying this hereto issue. I would like to hedge my small, hard-toiled fortune on a belief that the futures in hedging money will end soon, perhaps by some forseable Halloween come hither! Let them moil for profit in the same way us 99% have to. Until then, continue to occupy Wall Street and make the streets safer for Main Street and our children's futures. Let's hedge toward sharing and thanksgiving instead.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
We all know the answer. The banks and Wall Street must be forced to pay for the losses incurred. A progessive tax must be installed so that the majority of the taxes falls on people making over $100,000. People making in the millions, like Senators, need to be taxed thoroughly. We all know the answer.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
For love of country
Stand up
against the silence of words
if you work toward something,
hard work,
they will say you stole it.
Do not let them censor things,
do not let them yell in our faces,
do not believe the lies they write,
question what you have heard.
Try try to not let terror throw your mind,
or physically abused, for they will call you
a terrorist. The corporate world will try to
color you as such, when all you stand for is
equality and rights.
Will it be criminal to say "Constitution"
any more?
We must aspire to be more like Mandela,
informed and loving.
Our elders know life on levels
that the young do not yet understand.
Listen to them,
if you have children, you might know
that we must stand for freedom
forever in our land.
against the silence of words
if you work toward something,
hard work,
they will say you stole it.
Do not let them censor things,
do not let them yell in our faces,
do not believe the lies they write,
question what you have heard.
Try try to not let terror throw your mind,
or physically abused, for they will call you
a terrorist. The corporate world will try to
color you as such, when all you stand for is
equality and rights.
Will it be criminal to say "Constitution"
any more?
We must aspire to be more like Mandela,
informed and loving.
Our elders know life on levels
that the young do not yet understand.
Listen to them,
if you have children, you might know
that we must stand for freedom
forever in our land.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Aqualicatist
The Aqualicatist
why we ask about rules not yet shared
sometimes further ever after we divine the rules shared
an artist not easily beguiled
water flowing through streaking mud
ginger chewed to bring on a radar map of storms
double zero I have dialed
relinquishing form
flesh a bringer of liquid form
amid mud and sticks and stones
we evolve against gravity, anarchy, entropy
sometimes further ever after we divine the rules shared
water-born scientists with form
even if the words and rules are all
made up.
why we ask about rules not yet shared
sometimes further ever after we divine the rules shared
an artist not easily beguiled
water flowing through streaking mud
ginger chewed to bring on a radar map of storms
double zero I have dialed
relinquishing form
flesh a bringer of liquid form
amid mud and sticks and stones
we evolve against gravity, anarchy, entropy
sometimes further ever after we divine the rules shared
water-born scientists with form
even if the words and rules are all
made up.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
City Foods on 5th and Vine
Why does Bob get away with telling the public (and I have witnesses) harrassing me while I have bought things there, telling the public that I am "schizophrenic" just to be cruel and it is not true, and then telling customers who come in there from my neighborhood that "I am nothing but a nut" and what a waste it is to protect and be just toward citizens such as myself and Victoria. That is harrassment. He should be sued like Jim Ware only for different reasons. If Jim Ware gets mad at me because I call him on his lies, he tells lies and tries to smear me and has done so. Patrick too. The three amigos. How much abuse can a person take? I am edgier and more afraid and it is easier for me to fly off the handle which I hardly ever do. I just don't feel like my happy joyful self and instead of dealing with these roots of problems, CPC just tries to medicate me further into lobotamy state. Hard to work and be creative that way. The whole thing is a travesty!
Why was I psychologically attacked and smeared in the U District when I was trying to heal from schizoaffective disorder, PTSD and severe depression? It made me crazy to the point of spending into deep holes as a side effect. I took a few things (a bottle of wine and some swords, I have no idea why??? but was not rational at that point) and then returned them or payed for them the next day with the wine. I took a roll of quarters once to buy alcohol and replaced the money next day at work for coping reasons. Why didn't they give me hydroxizine instead of leaving me hanging into the wind and freaking out inside...so I would need alcohol to calm down? Also, Why were so many things stolen from me? I wanted something back for everything including my life destroyed and taken away. What kind of society does this to a member?? Why is Patrick such a coward like my parents have been? My parents are just now starting to care and work with me after all these years. Patrick is dangerous and sly and a pathological liar, so I may not get payed back, if only a little and he will justify it in his mind that he has payed me back. Jim Ware lied to me a number of times, and I bet he has no intention of ever squaring up with me. He and Patrick by the numbers should be serious felons...but how does one get justice when Jim kept our hours and we have no record? Fearful and scared.
What they owe and why did they take such advantage of me?
Why won't Jim Ware pay me the money he promised he would pay me after her lost the contract at the Seattle Tower? Why is Patrick Shepherd making little effort at all to pay me back the few thousand he owes me? What can I do? Why didn't Patrick when he knew I was losing it back in 2003-4, help me get help or notify someone that I was losing my mind and posting things that didn't even make sense? Did he not care? Victoria should have said something too but I believe she knew less about what was happening to me... The two years to three years starting back in 2001 when I was severely targeted by Christina, street kids, a policeman (why?) drove me into a contained form of madness. Some of what I was hearing was very real, destruction of my car continually was real, smearing me around the U D was real, but it pushed me to the point I started "hearing things" and it became an art to try to tell it apart. What a nightmare my life has been ever since. I want to die so badly.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Through the eyes of an adult
"I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day in my fort."--ZG
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Majority of people in this area, etc. are nothing but stubborn fools with an alarming lack of judgement. The heart and true thought is sacrificed for ignorance.
Monday, May 16, 2011
"Let's not mistake capitalism for democracy."--George Soros
"I am certain of only one thing: business as we know it is destroying the Earth, including all cultures and living systems. Never before has there been a system so ubiquitous, so destructive, and so well managed. It is our creation."--Paul Hawkin
"You have to take your values from your customers, your designs from nature, and your discipline from the market place."--Hunter Lovins
"It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service."--Albert Einstein
"Schools as we know them are not the only way to become educated. They were invented by the Industrial Revolution, so that people in the countryside would learn to be obedient factory workers. That's the model we now force upon our children, and we wonder why so many of them are unhappy there." --Jon Young, Wilderness Awareness Schools
"I am certain of only one thing: business as we know it is destroying the Earth, including all cultures and living systems. Never before has there been a system so ubiquitous, so destructive, and so well managed. It is our creation."--Paul Hawkin
"You have to take your values from your customers, your designs from nature, and your discipline from the market place."--Hunter Lovins
"It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service."--Albert Einstein
"Schools as we know them are not the only way to become educated. They were invented by the Industrial Revolution, so that people in the countryside would learn to be obedient factory workers. That's the model we now force upon our children, and we wonder why so many of them are unhappy there." --Jon Young, Wilderness Awareness Schools
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Finally Patrick Shepherd reappears out of thin air~~
Rob gave me the heads up and let me know Patrick was coming around the neighborhood. This is the person I helped stay off the street for about 11 years and spent thousands helping him. He still owes me about $2400. I ran into Patrick at Uptown Espresso and just like I figured he had no money to pay me (even though he gets money from the government) back, even a little. He said maybe he could make a payment in June. Patrick has never been known for keeping any promises and is a pathological liar (he admitted that twice to me later in our knowing each other), telling the truth when convenient. My momn was afraid that if I ever kicked him out that he would try retribution against me. None of my family liked him nor any of my friends who saw he was using me more or less the whole time. I kept defending him up until about 3 years ago when I just needed him to pay me what he owed me and if we ever got even I would ask him to leave. Whenever I tried to discuss important issues with him and tried to get a response, he would just freeze up and not talk. Victoria and I are fairly certain that he lies about me behind my back. I tried so hard to help him, I was able to help three others stay off the street and get shelter/housing. When I found out Patrick and his friends stole alcohol and food, we had fights about it and I even kicked him out for periods of time and I tried really hard to get him to stop, like another friend of his I met. There were were others too. Patrick words were "don't worry Aaron you are not a part of it." His stealing I knew of started back when I lived in the U district and was really out of it do to severe depression, PTSD, and then schizoaffective disorder. I was easy prey for someone like him and because of the past 8 years of experiences I had and had a complete breakdown, I was terrified of ever being alone except when I was asleep. I didn't even start charging Patrick rent until the last year he stayed with me. He also smoked in my apartment which was against the rules and broke other rules he agreed to as well. He just didn't care, he is very narcissistic, what a tough lesson to learn. He lied to Victoria and Marta about things as well. Patrick also invited friends of his into my room without permission, played music too loud for neighbors for what would be appropriate, they stole money, cds and a knife, who knows what else. Whole sections of artists of my cds went permanently missing. I know a huge list of people that will testify to Patrick Shepherd's behavior. I also helped Patrick do yard work and landscape work for no pay to help him out on some jobs he did in Magnolia, I also got him a full time job with benefits with Plymouth Housing risking my reputation with them as a vender there, which Patrick sometimes didn't show up and eventually he got fired. It was his fault for not showing up. I do not know the other details if there were politics involved.
Between he and Jim it would sure be nice if one of them would start paying me some of the money they owe me on good faith! Patrick has led me on three times in April that he would make payments of money owed to me and either did not show or did not have any money to pay me with. He said he would pay me this month of May, I can't reach him and he left me a v/m that he had lost his wallet and that he told me I was a good person. I can't reach him at all, his phone is always turned off. He even promised to pay me the $20 his friend Tom owed me for some gear I sold him. He had yet to pay me for even this. I let Patrick stay for free at my apartments, giving him free room and board and spent a lot of the money in my back payment to pay for our food. Patrick for years did the cooking but got to eat for free. I started helping him years back in the kitchen. Finally in the last year before I had to kick him out for yet another drinking binge (which caused damage in my apartment like other times previously) Victoria and I had to put his stuff out in the alley with a note on it for him. We made many efforts to contact him and were unable. I only starting charging Patrick for rent in the last year and he never payed the amount he signed and agreed to, only about half of it. He could have afforded to but it would have cut into his drinking budget, etc.
Hell may freeze over first.
Rob gave me the heads up and let me know Patrick was coming around the neighborhood. This is the person I helped stay off the street for about 11 years and spent thousands helping him. He still owes me about $2400. I ran into Patrick at Uptown Espresso and just like I figured he had no money to pay me (even though he gets money from the government) back, even a little. He said maybe he could make a payment in June. Patrick has never been known for keeping any promises and is a pathological liar (he admitted that twice to me later in our knowing each other), telling the truth when convenient. My momn was afraid that if I ever kicked him out that he would try retribution against me. None of my family liked him nor any of my friends who saw he was using me more or less the whole time. I kept defending him up until about 3 years ago when I just needed him to pay me what he owed me and if we ever got even I would ask him to leave. Whenever I tried to discuss important issues with him and tried to get a response, he would just freeze up and not talk. Victoria and I are fairly certain that he lies about me behind my back. I tried so hard to help him, I was able to help three others stay off the street and get shelter/housing. When I found out Patrick and his friends stole alcohol and food, we had fights about it and I even kicked him out for periods of time and I tried really hard to get him to stop, like another friend of his I met. There were were others too. Patrick words were "don't worry Aaron you are not a part of it." His stealing I knew of started back when I lived in the U district and was really out of it do to severe depression, PTSD, and then schizoaffective disorder. I was easy prey for someone like him and because of the past 8 years of experiences I had and had a complete breakdown, I was terrified of ever being alone except when I was asleep. I didn't even start charging Patrick rent until the last year he stayed with me. He also smoked in my apartment which was against the rules and broke other rules he agreed to as well. He just didn't care, he is very narcissistic, what a tough lesson to learn. He lied to Victoria and Marta about things as well. Patrick also invited friends of his into my room without permission, played music too loud for neighbors for what would be appropriate, they stole money, cds and a knife, who knows what else. Whole sections of artists of my cds went permanently missing. I know a huge list of people that will testify to Patrick Shepherd's behavior. I also helped Patrick do yard work and landscape work for no pay to help him out on some jobs he did in Magnolia, I also got him a full time job with benefits with Plymouth Housing risking my reputation with them as a vender there, which Patrick sometimes didn't show up and eventually he got fired. It was his fault for not showing up. I do not know the other details if there were politics involved.
Between he and Jim it would sure be nice if one of them would start paying me some of the money they owe me on good faith! Patrick has led me on three times in April that he would make payments of money owed to me and either did not show or did not have any money to pay me with. He said he would pay me this month of May, I can't reach him and he left me a v/m that he had lost his wallet and that he told me I was a good person. I can't reach him at all, his phone is always turned off. He even promised to pay me the $20 his friend Tom owed me for some gear I sold him. He had yet to pay me for even this. I let Patrick stay for free at my apartments, giving him free room and board and spent a lot of the money in my back payment to pay for our food. Patrick for years did the cooking but got to eat for free. I started helping him years back in the kitchen. Finally in the last year before I had to kick him out for yet another drinking binge (which caused damage in my apartment like other times previously) Victoria and I had to put his stuff out in the alley with a note on it for him. We made many efforts to contact him and were unable. I only starting charging Patrick for rent in the last year and he never payed the amount he signed and agreed to, only about half of it. He could have afforded to but it would have cut into his drinking budget, etc.
Hell may freeze over first.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
very fast quick writes on our second day of class
Greeting the world, spreading words of beauty
Covering my sins with verbal incense and pleasant ditties
As I climb cliffs to free my mind of convoluted pity
Rose colors I view my crime scene amending ponderous mistakes,
sullen and gritty
No more be grieved at that which thou has done
Smiling, enjoying a bouquet of ancient wine before I reach its dregs
The road to hell is paved with good intentions hard fought and won
Sadly I worked overtime on this Frankensteinian leg
I want to say your name
Wasn't it there in centuries of stone?
Who name's names forever known
to free our forefather's of any blame
who thought to ever try another way?
In the future this song remains the same.
the currents of people part in the rain
dancing to liquid tunes we duck and cover
why not take off our clothes together
and make magic of this weather ritual
not divided, but with one another.
There is a moment in each day that satan can not find
glimpsing sacred we whisper
a Torah or a Veda of special wine
blissful smiles the other's must endure
or be drawn to imitate a blessing.
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard...
alight our senses with wind and fire
centuries of musical spheres aspired
A dance of the bravest as we let down our guard forever retired.
Breathing to the best of flowing wonder
Covering my sins with verbal incense and pleasant ditties
As I climb cliffs to free my mind of convoluted pity
Rose colors I view my crime scene amending ponderous mistakes,
sullen and gritty
No more be grieved at that which thou has done
Smiling, enjoying a bouquet of ancient wine before I reach its dregs
The road to hell is paved with good intentions hard fought and won
Sadly I worked overtime on this Frankensteinian leg
I want to say your name
Wasn't it there in centuries of stone?
Who name's names forever known
to free our forefather's of any blame
who thought to ever try another way?
In the future this song remains the same.
the currents of people part in the rain
dancing to liquid tunes we duck and cover
why not take off our clothes together
and make magic of this weather ritual
not divided, but with one another.
There is a moment in each day that satan can not find
glimpsing sacred we whisper
a Torah or a Veda of special wine
blissful smiles the other's must endure
or be drawn to imitate a blessing.
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard...
alight our senses with wind and fire
centuries of musical spheres aspired
A dance of the bravest as we let down our guard forever retired.
Breathing to the best of flowing wonder
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
another quick write poem based on a first line borrowed
Urban myths hold secrets only revealed
by hidden cameras mandated by the state
while also underneath lies a vast underground so cruel
Our families can try to remain hidden in body armor
or venture forth with no weapon but trust,
a mission possibly ruinous
hiding in oceans swirling in hate propelled by
imagined flippers until we disappear
or to stay behind in smoking ruins, blacking out
There is no chance without maps, our only weakness denial
As for survivors we fathom these waves chancing on treasures
or a fetid corpse
There is little nourishment but hard tack left by others
who have drowned
Their fouled compasses left revealing lost chances,
in communal ruin.
Will you venture forth to stand your ground?
by hidden cameras mandated by the state
while also underneath lies a vast underground so cruel
Our families can try to remain hidden in body armor
or venture forth with no weapon but trust,
a mission possibly ruinous
hiding in oceans swirling in hate propelled by
imagined flippers until we disappear
or to stay behind in smoking ruins, blacking out
There is no chance without maps, our only weakness denial
As for survivors we fathom these waves chancing on treasures
or a fetid corpse
There is little nourishment but hard tack left by others
who have drowned
Their fouled compasses left revealing lost chances,
in communal ruin.
Will you venture forth to stand your ground?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Two quick exercises
I want in your eyes to meet speechlessly, embracing me
Fireweed honey dripping from tongue like passion kiss;
But instead if you choose to be grabbing me, angrily
unlike this, pressing me with brute profanity, painfully, I resist
kissing only mucus, a love most remiss
This I can not embrace speechlessly, can love triumph over sin?
What I love about sunshine is its perspiring kiss
What I hate about storms are there lack of forgiveness
What I love about old deco buildings are their promises of guilded mystery hiding
behind cobwebs
What I hate about demolished buildings is their hurricane of old dust swirling
amidst twisted rebar
What I love about hiking trails are their meadow mysteries and ferny scent
What I hate about leaving the trails are missing out on sunsets reflected in
azure lakes
What I love about leaving trails are the songs we sing lulling each other into
Fireweed honey dripping from tongue like passion kiss;
But instead if you choose to be grabbing me, angrily
unlike this, pressing me with brute profanity, painfully, I resist
kissing only mucus, a love most remiss
This I can not embrace speechlessly, can love triumph over sin?
What I love about sunshine is its perspiring kiss
What I hate about storms are there lack of forgiveness
What I love about old deco buildings are their promises of guilded mystery hiding
behind cobwebs
What I hate about demolished buildings is their hurricane of old dust swirling
amidst twisted rebar
What I love about hiking trails are their meadow mysteries and ferny scent
What I hate about leaving the trails are missing out on sunsets reflected in
azure lakes
What I love about leaving trails are the songs we sing lulling each other into
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
fast write poetry exercises in class
flight path over pass private drive ramp
where golden butter drips off into syrupy basins
into wiggling waffles
hot springs rejoicing
parking lot tide gauges
arterial for summer sun surf
an outpost for a floating bridge
garden path emotional aqueducts
of metal hershey bars with almonds
sword plant skyway overlapping survey lines
revolving cul-de-sacs in an amphitheater for Saturn
screwdrivers sneezing in cumbersome hands
I'm traveling down a road of swampy muddy footprints
trying to free the lost socks from overhead mobiles
of where my feet come to meet its daily slip on covers
I cross the isthmus of a loose red thread
to find my left hand, now asleep, fisted and restful, not dead
Excited and jestful I arrive at peninsula of my rubber neck propping a
bouncing ball, topped by a messy swath of brown hair
And finally I climbed to the cape of the nape of my neck
a little soulsease, resting to take in a view
of paunch, knees far from view, toes pointing up
Just waiting, on cue
(We had to use certain words incorporated quickly in what we wrote)
where golden butter drips off into syrupy basins
into wiggling waffles
hot springs rejoicing
parking lot tide gauges
arterial for summer sun surf
an outpost for a floating bridge
garden path emotional aqueducts
of metal hershey bars with almonds
sword plant skyway overlapping survey lines
revolving cul-de-sacs in an amphitheater for Saturn
screwdrivers sneezing in cumbersome hands
I'm traveling down a road of swampy muddy footprints
trying to free the lost socks from overhead mobiles
of where my feet come to meet its daily slip on covers
I cross the isthmus of a loose red thread
to find my left hand, now asleep, fisted and restful, not dead
Excited and jestful I arrive at peninsula of my rubber neck propping a
bouncing ball, topped by a messy swath of brown hair
And finally I climbed to the cape of the nape of my neck
a little soulsease, resting to take in a view
of paunch, knees far from view, toes pointing up
Just waiting, on cue
(We had to use certain words incorporated quickly in what we wrote)
An Ode to early morning coffee
I await with hope your
scent of smoky complexity
a bellows for my lungs
unbeknownst jet engine power
you reached out
from poorest African jungle
heated by campfire
to give me extra orchestra-
ted breath
which I would never have
You are a dawn tongue twister
a bitter New York Times
Plethora of sensual punches,
dancing Ali style
curing cancer (say some) and
sluggish confusion.
A marionette for arms, legs
and cranium
just like the magic pills
for Underdog
Resusitated vitals to bio-
rhythmic hullspeed.
Grace and angst
meet my lips a second, third, fourth, fifth.
Not addicted, ha! affording
my simple ritual.
I await with hope your
scent of smoky complexity
a bellows for my lungs
unbeknownst jet engine power
you reached out
from poorest African jungle
heated by campfire
to give me extra orchestra-
ted breath
which I would never have
You are a dawn tongue twister
a bitter New York Times
Plethora of sensual punches,
dancing Ali style
curing cancer (say some) and
sluggish confusion.
A marionette for arms, legs
and cranium
just like the magic pills
for Underdog
Resusitated vitals to bio-
rhythmic hullspeed.
Grace and angst
meet my lips a second, third, fourth, fifth.
Not addicted, ha! affording
my simple ritual.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
For a while I traveled
sparks of truth remained
A riverman treading a sea of twisted lies
I die
I die
Losing sanity unto another life, greater sanity
This world is a way with shifting appeal
to make a new deal
a seal
a seal
of many more twisted lies
Before light is revealed in negative space
One has to fall
face to face
with darkness
And out of its relief
Love is the promise
that will stay
it will stay amidst deepest grief
And life will live another day
to beget good or evil
We have choices
and there will be another day.
sparks of truth remained
A riverman treading a sea of twisted lies
I die
I die
Losing sanity unto another life, greater sanity
This world is a way with shifting appeal
to make a new deal
a seal
a seal
of many more twisted lies
Before light is revealed in negative space
One has to fall
face to face
with darkness
And out of its relief
Love is the promise
that will stay
it will stay amidst deepest grief
And life will live another day
to beget good or evil
We have choices
and there will be another day.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Finally Patrick Shepherd reappears out of thin air~~
Rob gave me the heads up and let me know Patrick was coming around the neighborhood. This is the person I helped stay off the street for about 11 years and spent thousands helping him. He still owes me about $2400. I ran into Patrick at Uptown Espresso and just like I figured he had no money to pay me (even though he gets money from the government) back, even a little. He said maybe he could make a payment in June. Patrick has never been known for keeping any promises and is a pathological liar, telling the truth when convenient. Oh well. Between he and Jim it would sure be nice if one of them would start paying me some of the money they owe me on good faith!
Hell may freeze over first.
Hell may freeze over first.
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