Saturday, October 29, 2011

latest article revised

Natural Gas hybrids vs. Gasoline hybrids

Why aren't more people riding around the city in Natural Gas and electricity? Natural gas is very clean curtailing exhaust emissions by large percentages. Because at the moment there are very few refueling stations. But my dream would be to see them peppered all over the nation, the world soon! With the proper appliance one can even refuel your natural gas vehicle in the convenience of home at a significant savings. Currently the Honda Civic GX is a vehicle leading the pack toward more responsible driving. I just saw a recycling truck that runs on natural gas turning the corner as I wait for my hybrid bus to pick me up. My concern is why not marry the two—natural gas and electric cars into a new special hybrid?

It has caught on with some business organizations then! Unfortunately, natural gas cars burn more fuel than gasoline cars do; but it is allowable to use the HOV lanes with a single driver in a natural gas vehicle and therefore saving gas that way! Drivers with long commutes would not save more money with natural gas and as we know many who live up north and on the east side would be prime candidates. Sadly there are also not many lobbies for NGVs, so it may be a while before their popularity may spring up; I am betting on the long run that they will though. Government energy policy and tax credits favor gasoline cars and ethanol, but only at the moment they do. However, in a typical 5-year ownership of the car, NGVs only would use two thousand dollars in fuel while a gasoline car spends $8000, but I do not know what a gasoline hybrid costs. Ultimately I want to know what a natural gas hybrid could do. However, it is important to note the increasing cost of gasoline every year. This would not be the case with natural gas as the America's (including Canada and Mexico) have quite a bit of resources for the forseeable future. Your concerns of cleaner air and less problems with our climate issues would also help one make the leap to natural gas hybrids. Bon voyage with a better conscience and fatter wallet!

By Aaron Crosetto

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