Thursday, May 12, 2011

Finally Patrick Shepherd reappears out of thin air~~
Rob gave me the heads up and let me know Patrick was coming around the neighborhood. This is the person I helped stay off the street for about 11 years and spent thousands helping him. He still owes me about $2400. I ran into Patrick at Uptown Espresso and just like I figured he had no money to pay me (even though he gets money from the government) back, even a little. He said maybe he could make a payment in June. Patrick has never been known for keeping any promises and is a pathological liar (he admitted that twice to me later in our knowing each other), telling the truth when convenient. My momn was afraid that if I ever kicked him out that he would try retribution against me. None of my family liked him nor any of my friends who saw he was using me more or less the whole time. I kept defending him up until about 3 years ago when I just needed him to pay me what he owed me and if we ever got even I would ask him to leave. Whenever I tried to discuss important issues with him and tried to get a response, he would just freeze up and not talk. Victoria and I are fairly certain that he lies about me behind my back. I tried so hard to help him, I was able to help three others stay off the street and get shelter/housing. When I found out Patrick and his friends stole alcohol and food, we had fights about it and I even kicked him out for periods of time and I tried really hard to get him to stop, like another friend of his I met. There were were others too. Patrick words were "don't worry Aaron you are not a part of it." His stealing I knew of started back when I lived in the U district and was really out of it do to severe depression, PTSD, and then schizoaffective disorder. I was easy prey for someone like him and because of the past 8 years of experiences I had and had a complete breakdown, I was terrified of ever being alone except when I was asleep. I didn't even start charging Patrick rent until the last year he stayed with me. He also smoked in my apartment which was against the rules and broke other rules he agreed to as well. He just didn't care, he is very narcissistic, what a tough lesson to learn. He lied to Victoria and Marta about things as well. Patrick also invited friends of his into my room without permission, played music too loud for neighbors for what would be appropriate, they stole money, cds and a knife, who knows what else. Whole sections of artists of my cds went permanently missing. I know a huge list of people that will testify to Patrick Shepherd's behavior. I also helped Patrick do yard work and landscape work for no pay to help him out on some jobs he did in Magnolia, I also got him a full time job with benefits with Plymouth Housing risking my reputation with them as a vender there, which Patrick sometimes didn't show up and eventually he got fired. It was his fault for not showing up. I do not know the other details if there were politics involved.

Between he and Jim it would sure be nice if one of them would start paying me some of the money they owe me on good faith! Patrick has led me on three times in April that he would make payments of money owed to me and either did not show or did not have any money to pay me with. He said he would pay me this month of May, I can't reach him and he left me a v/m that he had lost his wallet and that he told me I was a good person. I can't reach him at all, his phone is always turned off. He even promised to pay me the $20 his friend Tom owed me for some gear I sold him. He had yet to pay me for even this. I let Patrick stay for free at my apartments, giving him free room and board and spent a lot of the money in my back payment to pay for our food. Patrick for years did the cooking but got to eat for free. I started helping him years back in the kitchen. Finally in the last year before I had to kick him out for yet another drinking binge (which caused damage in my apartment like other times previously) Victoria and I had to put his stuff out in the alley with a note on it for him. We made many efforts to contact him and were unable. I only starting charging Patrick for rent in the last year and he never payed the amount he signed and agreed to, only about half of it. He could have afforded to but it would have cut into his drinking budget, etc.

Hell may freeze over first.

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