Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Bill of Rights

My ten commandments are the Bill of Rights~~

We must protect them.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

latest poem in reflection of 1995

I propose we listen
and not lie, hearing
feathery logic simply undone, lingering
between each morbid sigh.
I know what it is to caste the lowest die, ignored
for ignoble lattitudes, impertinent
energy from eltist idioms.
Impressed I am
into confined crystaline stature;
burned to ashes my pitiful sum.
and then blood sprays bright red
turbidly with new found
turgid fingers, full of life
and handfuls of joy,
bursting, releasing
from my old scuttled hulls,
screaming through shackled stature of
personally impaled statues;
ignored for a clutching century of
personally held breath, gasping
for new gathered life, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Listen profoundly

To relate effectively with a wife, husband, children, friends, or working associates, we must learn to listen. And this requires emotional strength. Listening involves patience, openness, and the desire to understand---highly developed qualities of character. It's so much easier to operate from a low emotional level and to give high-level advice.

Important to think on.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Read everything by Michael C. Ruppert

Don't be fooled, this man and his analysts and activists are the true prophets of our times...

If you don't have the money to buy his books, go to the library.

Thank you, Aaron

Saturday, August 14, 2010

More thoughts on adjusting to energy changes...

It takes a lot of oil and petroleum to make current alternative cars and anything alternative at this point, so might be hard to sustain a changeover even to electric cars, wind and solar. Also for irrigation and trucking for hemp oil and food and textiles.

But never underestimate the power of the human spirit and it's ability to be challenged and to work cooperatively!


What is our dollar based on?

Think on this...our dollar is based almost solely on energy (oil), a heap load of I.O.U.s and silver boulion (like England). Now when energy starts to run out including coal perhaps, the dollar will be worth??? Do we want to be like the Weimar Republic and use wheelbarrows of $1000 dollar bills to buy a loaf of bread?

How do we change energy systems and new ways of backing the dollar? Do we even worry about it since we must become self sustaining groups of farmers with limited energy.

Things to think about...


Preparation for the falling off the energy grid...over years

We peaked in oil in the 1970s, now what will happen as demand far outstrips supply? Our society is completely based on oil.

Also, the people fortified and prepared alone with their families in countryside will last only as long as they can. People growing as a team will have a better long run chance. Anyone running to the hills when it is too late will not in all likelihood be able to farm from scratch and will get picked off by those survivalists well entrenched. I don't think either group will survive as well in the long run. That is the important transition of society after the collapse of lack of oil and energy. Also, large groups farming in the countryside may do well. Everyone must be very wary of gangs and groups intent on pillaging and plundering who are armed. Be aware of vengeful groups against Americans too. How well will our military survive to help others when they may be thinking of how will they survive. Hopefully they will band as teams with farming groups. Food and water will be number one, not oil.

Currently, oil is number one at determing all policy regarding anything in the world, esp. the U.S. Study country living skills, Tom Brown, Jr. and societies that live without energy coming from petroleum or needing petroleum to sustain... Study how to gather water and keep it safe. Learn self defense skills and as much medical knowledge as you can. Store medical supplies and canned goods. As food transportation is affected by lack of energy and water transportation, we need to work as a team to preserve this based on how much we are forced off the grid.

Again, we have time to prepare for this and need to be prepared for tough survival scenarios and hopefully it will not be as hard as we think; we can be pleasantly surprised then. In the meantime until we know...prepare prepare prepare. Psychologically and physically.

I will step off the soapbox now and have a pleasant morning, enjoy everything to the fullest.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

film: Battle in Haditha

a multi-view look at the madness of war and atrocities it can cause when one does not believe one's country or the service is behind you, the frustrations and alienation and murder that can result; it also examines how different groups and cultures involved perceive this conflict, especially when US invaders are attacking Iraqi's for its own selfish craving for oil, which barely helps us as we, the Saudi's etc are all running out of oil. The US infrastructure as it stands is almost entirely based on oil. Electricity, trucking, cars and other fuel sources all currently still require much much oil, more than will sustain in the future.

Take a gander at this interesting and very sad war picture.



..."the love of money has the ability to extinct the entire human race..."

As things are, it will do just that. We must now work as a team and as a community to farm together, conserve resources together, save gold and good seeds (not frankinseeds!), learn medical knowledge--first aid and CPR as a start, self defense skills, engineering, etc., sharing and caring above all else. We must share our smiles and laugh as much as we can...then and only then do we have a chance to pull thru our future. We must adapt to the major limits of energy our money is based on. It simply can not sustain. It will not sustain any where near the levels we are consuming, intelligence has known it for decades.

We will go thru denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then finally acceptance as Kubler Ross explained as we adapt to starting over with civilization.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

The truth of people with addictions...

...the drunker you think, the smoker you get...

Aaron (reminiscent of Joe Walsh's album title)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Letter to Congress 9 8-3-10

Gosh golly darn I sure hope Congress will listen this time...

1. Will the Federal Government please come thru on paying the matching funds promptly as agreed upon in the FMAP. Excuse me, some people are trying to survive that did not think of buying part of Fort Knox when it seemed more affordable. (On credit of course).

2. Can someone handy with a pen help write to Congress that we do not accept the Dodd-Frank bill passed into law as it stands. We are headed nightmarishly into a more finely tuned bubble to burst in a decade or less. Can we please have everything in article 716 put back to stop derivatives and credit default swaps from ever occuring again in my life time!! No more excuses to make hedges to compete with other hedge fund companies... Someone please arrest those involved starting with Tim Geitner and the names on the bill, consider listening more to Paul Volcker.

3. We need to buy back once publicly owned and ran energy companies, say from Constellation Energy (Warren Buffet). We need all the energy we can get for public infrastructure, electric grids, and the military to fend off possible attacks from China, Mexican Cartels, terrorist attacks, etc. We need our rightful energy properly regulated for our public needs!! We need anti trust laws again. We need to reregulate the deregulation caused by the Bush Administration! Please do not waste any more time; must be done at once especially with the fact we and everyone else is running out of affordable energy and the ability to get at it at an affordable price.

Thank you for listening to me while you play your MP4 player at maximum volume,

Sadly and scared, Aaron

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Letter to Congress 8 7-31-10

1. We need to connect America with light, medium, and heavy rail and make it convenient to access for public. It would be more economically efficient, would cut down on traffic problems, would save enormous amounts of money at city, county, and national levels, and would put many people back to work. America desperately needs to change from being dependant on the automobile to accepting diverse, greener modes of transportation. Let's make Seattle as bike friendly as possible.

2. In Seattle, can we make it so no civilian cars are allowed within the downtown area which will be properly designated. Make many parking garages on the outskerts. Allow only police vehicles, trucks distributing product to merchants, scooters, bicycles, pedestrians and maybe motorcycles. Rail and buses would be used for general public needs. This is used effectively all over the world.

3. In Seattle, have Metro run a dedicated bus in the ride free area only which never collects fees. All other buses are pay as you enter; this will cut down on all the losses Metro has on unpaid bus fares.

4. Can hemp be grown in mass quantities for food, beverage, oil, and textiles, etc. We could use the nation's vast areas that are used to grow worthless low grade corn for instance. Give farmers financial incentives to grow hemp. Also, put forward legislation boycotting Monsanto from controlling smaller farmers by not allowing Monsanto to sue over diseased crop manipulations and letting their GMOs take over the market.

5. I want to push the bill that will move to amend the decision by the Supreme Court to allow unlimited funds to buy politicians at once! It will put more limits on countries and lobby groups and corporations from controlling politicians. That would end this wonderful nation and would promote the idea of revolution or just plain collapse economically.

Thank you very much for listening to me,


Aaron Crosetto


Saturday, July 31, 2010

New requirements for future survival

1. A skill that will remain needed for the possibility of economic collapse (ie., farming skills, trade skills or mechanic, medical, etc.)

2. true survival skills and wilderness and desert and prairie awareness like that of Tom Brown Jr.

3. good real self defense skills also good for discipline and remaining strong in the eye of stormy situations (Brad Steiner is an excellent trainer, seek him out)

best to all, help everyone like a team

Sincerely Aaron

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Support light, medium and heavy rail, let's rebuild our nation and put people back to work

Start sending in your support to your legislature!!

Thank you

Set up:

I am set up no matter which way I turn. How do I stop this character assassination ? No one seems to get it but me. No one can fathom why it would be going on to me. Here are the rogues gallery...

SPD, Ch/Kristina, Robert Cloud, Marc Katchell, Crystal J., people at The 5 Point Cafe and Bar who were lied to and now continue working it anyway they can, Ernie, Safeway Industries, SMC and Chris Ledell and Jim Story, Cindy , Maria, and anyone they use by extending out their influence and corruption and lies. What a spider's web of cover ups and corruption.

What does one do to shed light on a situation built into this kind of steam at this point? How does one deal with lies perpetuated by the system in cover up mode when I witnessed the truth of the situation. Yes it was started by Ch/Kristina in the U District over a stupid t.v. show we were laughing about (re: The Blue Moon used to show it with the volume off and joke about it)

Any suggestions?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hurray, the Tree of Life project has a new "life"

Thanks to all the people who took the time to work toward its restored life. Let's also help diversity be respected and supported here. Let's put an end toward HATE crimes... Love is the greatest power there is. Peace and truth are the pathways.

"If one is out for revenge, dig two graves." --Confucious


Monday, June 7, 2010

Saw Ch/Kristine (psychopath from 2001) heading to The 5 Point Cafe (I believe) today at around 5:30 to 6 pm

She is a dangerous liar and psychopath who started destroying my life for sport in 2001. Is she manipulating and/or part of the police force or able to access private files? Do not talk to her except to distract her, turn her in to the FBI or some kind of special task force. She needs to be detained and polygraphed. I need to attend this. I believe police force has plenty to hide from that time period in the U District when I witnessed an officer on the ave targeting me to a group of students...He was wrong, and why? Did Ch/Kristina lie to them...must have. distruction of my life Please help, my life could be erased by such corruption. She takes great pleasure and is obsessed in destroying my life. She has not been able to move into a "kill" or coup d'etat yet, but I'm sure she is planning it soon. Yes my own personal stalker... I hate drama and do not need this...

Any ideas anyone? I have some.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Latest letter to legislature 7

Dear , May 6th 2010

I hope you will consider the following ideas and respond with the appropriate legislation. I appreciate your taking the time to read this.

1. A Financial Speculation Tax of 0.5% should be introduced on all stock trades like the U.K. does. It has been said it could raise $100 billion a year and help eliminate risky deals by making them unprofitable.
2. Set up a fund for the EMTs in case of accidents/death for their families and significant others.
3. To pass a comprehensive immigration bill—supportive and just to these people. Partly for human rights issues and partly due to our signing of NAFTA.
4. To pass a bill to stop Hate crimes. Please, soon.

Thank you very much for your support and for examining these ideas.


Aaron Crosetto
420 Wall Street #102
Seattle, WA 98121

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I hope people read:

"Under and Alone" by William Queen

Also read "McMafia" by Misha Glenny

thanks, concerned


The Rat pack of Belltown and greater Seattle

Internal investigations should follow the lies and smear campaigns who have so much to hide:

SMC and the Broadway Safeway.

Ch/kristine, what happened with the police in the U district???, Crystal etc from the 5 Point Cafe, Robert and Michael (the people there before them were so nice) at the Fountain's Cafe, Letia et al at Cafe Bella (the people their ;;before them were so nice), Bob and Dave at City Foods, lies all over Belltown, older cashier at 3rde Ave Rite Aid spreading lies about me, Dave who sold Real Change on 3rd by Rite Aid, Icon restaurant, etc etc I'm sorry for what Victoria and Patrick did. Patrick is a sociopath and pathological liar, but Victoria is a decent person who just got really mad...Larry Langwell at CPC Stepworks is possibly a liar (to Lon, the repair technician yesterday about me--why??? at least that's what I learned), he got roped into this somehow. Robert Cloud and Ernie (of Stepworks of old--scheming plotters and they know it and know I know it about them), been spread to the city workers of construction, etc. who knows how many people it has been spread to and they are purposely kept from the truth and order in which things have happened...

The design of this smear campaign is to make the good people look bad (esp. if we try to expose the lie for what it is--they can point fingers and say "see!"), and make the bad people look good. Those kinds of game playing tactics are obvious to me. Do not protect Letia or Bob, they have become as guilty as the people at The 5 Point Cafe.

They've silenced everyone so the investigation will come up nil. David the drunk having to to UA's is lying to Frenchie on 3rd by RiteAid as well as other drunk and drug oriented people trying to save the poisonous Crystal and her nest at The 5 Point Cafe and Bar--one can only hope it will go out of business since they chose never to undo the damage they have done and have continued on this sociopathological smear campaign in order to save themselves!! How about we actually try saving the truth for once, or is that deemed an archaic 60s notion?


Sunday, May 9, 2010

If you love somebody set them free...

Put your arms around everybody, even your worst unnameable enemies that you don't even know, melt them into soft butter, put your lips together and blow them into a higher realm;

beware sociopaths, for they always take advantage of your weak side; stay in said consciousness and your armor will stay them and true friends stand by your side through the valley of shadow...


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Walkurere: "Handmaidens to the gods"

Beware of those who like to spread HATE and are affiliated with supremacy groups as they are on the rise and possibly even in YOUR neighborhood. Such "handmaidens" are very dangerous to your current and future rights as citizens. Write your legislature in support of the bill being presented to help end hate crimes.

Inspire people, listen to them and hear them and their stories. Be supportive of those going through tough times while we as a world experience difficult economic times.

Support more funds going to the FBI and ATF to infiltrate and help stop hate organizations. Also more funding to their accountants for auditing such companies as Goldman Sachs and AIG, etc. All banking and credit institutions.

Thank you and reach out a hand...


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How does one continue trying and still needing to continue defending oneself from these horrible people?

It started with them and continues with them. How and why do I need to keep defending myself from them? Are there no human rights left? All of these people/groups should be sued for slander or at least undo the damage they have caused...

SMC--leading to partial breakdown
Broadway Safeway--leading to total breakdown
Ch/Kristine (from 2001 etc, U District)
The SPD (from 2001 etc, U District)
now leading to more PTSD and blackouts; started writing the paper "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" to try to defend myself as no one would believe me when I told them what was happening--
Crystal from The 5 Point Cafe and Bar
now leading to more partial breakdowns...continued trying to rewrite paper to get it as accurate as possible as more smear campaigns continued and I had to continue defending myself...
Foutain's Cafe (someone put manure in their restroom and framed me and they fired me for it and I had done nothing...
Letia from Cafe Bella
Bob and Dave, etc. from City Foods (spreading more smear campaign issues about won't stop and has a life of it's own...
Patrick (ex-room mate, had to kick out for lying to me and not paying me thousands of dollars)
now Jim (who will not pay anything toward a good faith effort to pay me what he still owes me thousands of dollars)
and anywhere else they've spread their smear campaigns to cover up where they were wrong and what they started...none of this ever needed to happen; I started nothing that I am aware of.

What do I do?


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Support whistleblowers for this predicament, Enron, others

Share1470 Whistleblower: BP Risks More Massive Catastrophes in Gulf
Friday 30 April 2010

by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | Report

(Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t; Adapted:, US Coast Guard)
A former contractor who worked for British Petroleum (BP) claims the oil conglomerate broke federal laws and violated its own internal procedures by failing to maintain crucial safety and engineering documents related to one of the firms other deepwater production projects in the Gulf of Mexico, according to internal emails and other documents obtained by Truthout.
The whistleblower, whose name has been withheld at the person's request because the whistleblower still works in the oil industry and fears retaliation, first raised concerns about safety issues related to BP Atlantis, the world's largest and deepest semi-submersible oil and natural gas platform, located about 200 miles south of New Orleans, in November 2008. Atlantis, which began production in October 2007, has the capacity to produce about 8.4 million gallons of oil and 180 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.
It was then that the whistleblower, who was hired to oversee the company's databases that housed documents related to its Atlantis project, discovered that the drilling platform had been operating without a majority of the engineer-approved documents it needed to run safely, leaving the platform vulnerable to a catastrophic disaster that would far surpass the massive oil spill that began last week following a deadly explosion on a BP-operated drilling rig.
BP's own internal communications show that company officials were made aware of the issue and feared that the document shortfalls related to Atlantis "could lead to catastrophic operator error" and must be addressed.
Indeed, according to an August 15, 2008, email sent to BP officials by Barry Duff, a member of BP's Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Atlantis Subsea Team, the Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs) for the Atlantis subsea components "are not complete" and "there are hundreds if not thousands of subsea documents that have never been finalized, yet the facilities have been" up and running. P&IDs documents form the foundation of a hazards analysis BP is required to undertake as part of its Safety and Environmental Management Program related to its offshore drilling operations. P&IDs drawings provide the schematic details of the project's piping and process flows, valves and safety critical instrumentation.
"The risk in turning over drawings that are not complete are: 1) The Operator will assume the drawings are accurate and up to date," the email said. "This could lead to catastrophic Operator errors due to their assuming the drawing is correct," said Duff's email to BP officials Bill Naseman and William Broman. "Turning over incomplete drawings to the Operator for their use is a fundamental violation of basic Document control, [internal standards] and Process Safety Regulations."
BP did not respond to repeated requests for comment for this story. Despite the claims that BP did not maintain proper documentation related to Atlantis, federal regulators authorized an expansion of the drilling project.
Last May, Mike Sawyer, a Texas-based engineer who works for Apex Safety Consultants, voluntarily agreed to evaluate BP's Atlantis subsea document database and the whistleblower's allegations regarding BP's engineering document shortfall related to Atlantis. Sawyer concluded that of the 2,108 P&IDs BP maintained that dealt specifically with the subsea components of its Atlantis production project, 85 percent did not receive engineer approval.
Even worse, 95 percent of Atlantis' subsea welding records did not receive final approval, calling into question the integrity of thousands of crucial welds on subsea components that, if they were to rupture, could result in an oil spill 30 times worse than the one that occurred after the explosion on Deepwater Horizon last week.
In a report Sawyer prepared after his review, he said BP's "widespread pattern of unapproved design, testing and inspection documentation on the Atlantis subsea project creates a risk of a catastrophic incident threatening the [Gulf of Mexico] deep-water environment and the safety of platform workers." Moreover, "the extent of documentation discrepancies creates a substantial risk that a catastrophic event could occur at any time."
"The absence of a complete set of final, up-to-date, 'as built' engineering documents, including appropriate engineering approval, introduces substantial risk of large scale damage to the deep water [Gulf of Mexico] environment and harm to workers, primarily because analyses and inspections based on unverified design documents cannot accurately assess risk or suitability for service," Sawyer's report said. He added, "there is no valid engineering justification for these violations and short cuts."
Sawyer explained that the documents in question - welding records, inspections and safety shutdown logic materials - are "extremely critical to the safe operation of the platform and its subsea components." He said the safety shutdown logic drawings on Atlantis, a complex computerized system that, during emergencies, is supposed to send a signal to automatically shut down the flow of oil, were listed as "requiring update."
"BP's recklessness in regards to the Atlantis project is a clear example of how the company has a pattern of failing to comply with minimum industry standards for worker and environmental safety," Sawyer said.
The oil spill blanketing roughly 4,000 square miles in the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, which killed eleven workers, was exacerbated, preliminary reports suggest, by the failure of a blowout preventer to shut off the flow of oil on the drilling rig and the lack of a backup safety measure, known as a remote control acoustic shut off switch, to operate the blowout preventer.
Congressman Henry Waxman, chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, sent a letter Thursday to BP Chairman and President Lamar McKay seeking documents related to inspections on Deepwater Horizon conducted this year and BP's policy on using acoustic shut off switches in the Gulf of Mexico.
The circumstances behind the spill are now the subject of a federal investigation.
Profits Before Safety
Whether it's the multiple oil spills that emanated from BP's Prudhoe Bay operations in Alaska's North Slope or the March 2005 explosion at the company's Texas refinery that killed 15 employees and injured 170 people, BP has consistently put profits ahead of safety.
On October 25, 2007, BP pled guilty to a criminal violation of the Clean Water Act and paid a $20 million fine related to two separate oil spills that occurred in the North Slope in March and August of 2006, the result of a severely corroded pipeline and a safety valve failure. BP formally entered a guilty plea in federal court on November 29, 2007. US District Court Judge Ralph Beistline sentenced BP to three years probation and said oil spills were a "serious crime" that could have been prevented if BP had spent more time and funds investing in pipeline upgrades and a "little less emphasis on profit."
Also on October 25, 2007, BP paid a $50 million fine and pleaded guilty to a felony in the refinery explosion. An investigation into the incident concluded that a warning system was not working and that BP sidestepped its own internal regulations for operating the tower. Moreover, BP has a prior felony conviction for improperly disposing of hazardous waste.
In 2007, the Department of Interior's federal Minerals Management Services (MMS), the agency that monitors offshore drilling practices, fined BP $41,000 for not properly training employees in well control management related to a near blowout due to a rise in gass pressure on the Ocean King Rig five years earlier that forced the evacuation of all 65 workers for two days and halted drilling for a week.
According to MMS, Diamond Offshore Drilling, operator of the rig, and BP did not know that the critical safety procedures they employed to try and stop the increase in gas pressure on the Ocean King Rig could also have caused a blowout. Environmental publication Clean Skies reported that MMS "cited BP for what it called 'no formal procedures' and 'no written guideline' to follow in case of an emergency. MMS also cited BP and contract workers in the incident for what they said was a 'lack of knowledge of the system, and lack of pre-event planning and procedures.'"
"In separate incidents, BP was also fined $75,000 in 2003 for not having adequate water pressure on one rig's fire protection system as well as another $80,000 fine for bypassing safety alarms that could have indicated dangerously high pressure, similar to what caused the near-blowout in 2002," according to MMS data cited by Clean Skies in a recent report.
The incident involving Deepwater Horizon, now the subject of a federal investigation, may end up being the latest example of BP's safety practices run amuck.
The issues related to the repeated spills in Prudhoe Bay and elsewhere were revealed by more than 100 whistleblowers who, since as far back as 1999, said the company failed to take seriously their warnings about shoddy safety practices and instead retaliated against whistleblowers who registered complaints with their superiors.
In September 2006, days before BP executives were scheduled to testify before Congress about an oil spill from a ruptured pipeline that forced the company to shutdown its Prudhoe Bay operations, BP announced that it had tapped former federal Judge Stanley Sporkin to serve as an ombudsman and take complaints from employees about the company's operations.
That's who the whistleblower complained to via email about issues related to BP's Atlantis operations in March 2009 a month after his contract was abruptly terminated for reasons he believes were directly related to his complaints to management about BP's failure to obtain the engineering documents on Atlantis and the fact that he "stood up for a female employee who was being discriminated against and harassed." The whistleblower alleged that the $2 million price tag was the primary reason BP did not follow through with a plan formulated months earlier to secure the documents.
"We prepared a plan to remedy this situation but it met much resistance and complaints from the above lead engineers on the project," the whistleblower wrote in the March 4, 2009, email to Pasha Eatedali in BP's ombudsman's office.
Federal Intervention
Additionally, he hired an attorney and contacted the inspector general for the Department of the Interior and MMS and told officials there that BP lacked the required engineer-certified documents related to the major components of the Atlantis subsea gas and oil operation.
In 2007, MMS had approved the construction of an additional well and another drilling center on Atlantis. But the whistleblower alleged in his March 4, 2009, email to Eatedali in BP's Office of the Ombudsman that documents related to this project needed to ensure operational safety were missing and that amounted to a violation of federal law as well as a breach of BP's Atlantis Project Execution Plan. The ombudsman's office agreed to investigate.
MMS, acting on the whistleblower's complaints, contacted BP on June 30, 2009, seeking specific engineering related documents. BP complied with the request three weeks later.
On July 9, 2009, MMS requested that BP turn over certification documents for its Subsurface Safety Valves and Surface Controlled Subsea Safety Valves for all operational wells in the Atlantis field. MMS officials flew out to the platform on the same day and secured the documents, according to an internal letter written by Karen Westall, the managing attorney on BP's Gulf of Mexico Legal Team.
But according to the public advocacy group Food & Water Watch, a Washington, DC-based nonprofit, which became involved in the case last July, BP did not turn over a complete set of materials to MMS.
"BP only turned over 'as-built' drawings for [Atlantis'] topsides and hull, despite the fact that the whistleblower’s allegations have always been about whether BP maintains complete and accurate engineer approved documents for it subsea components," Food & Water Watch said in a 19-page letter it sent toWilliam Hauser, MMS’s Chief, Regulations and Standards Branch.
During two visits to the Atlantis drilling platform last August and September, MMS inspectors reviewed BP's blowout preventer records. Food & Water Watch said they believe MMS inspectors reviewed the test records and failed to look into the whistleblower's charges that engineering documents were missing. The blowout preventer, however, is an issue at the center of the Deepwater Horizon spill.
An MMS spokesperson did not return calls for comment.
Last October, Food & Water Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for expedited processing, seeking documents from MMS that indicate BP "has in its possession a complete and accurate set of 'as built' drawings ... for its entire Atlantis Project, including the subsea sector." "As-built" means lead engineers on a specific project have to make sure updated technical documents match the "as-built" condition of equipment before its used.
MMS denied the FOIA request.
"MMS does not agree with your assessment of the potential for imminent danger to individuals or the environment, for which you premise your argument [for expedited response]. After a thorough review of these allegations, the MMS, with concurrence of the Solicitor's Office, concludes your claims are not supported by the facts or the law," the agency said in its October 30, 2009, response letter.
In response, MMS said that although some of its regulatory requirements governing offshore oil and gas operations do require "as built" drawings, they need not be complete or accurate and, furthermore, are irrelevant to a hazard analysis BP was required to complete.
Unsatisfied with MMS's response, Food & Water Watch contacted Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona), a member of the Committee on Natural Resources and chairman of the subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, about the issues revolving around BP's Atlantis operations and provided his office with details of its own investigation into the matter.
"Unsubstantiated" Claims
On January 15, Westall, the BP attorney, wrote a letter to Deborah Lanzone, the staff director with the House Subcommittee on Energy and Minerals, and addressed the allegations leveled by Food & Water Watch as well as indirect claims the whistleblower made.
Westall said BP "reviewed the allegations" related to "noncompliant documentation of the Atlantis project ... and found them to be unsubstantiated." But Westall's response directly contradicts the findings of Billie Pirner Garde, BP's deputy ombudsman, who wrote in an April 13 email to the whistleblower that his claims that BP failed to maintain proper documentation related to Atlantis "were substantiated" and "addressed by a BP Management of Change document." Garde did not say when that change occurred. But he added that the whistleblower's complaints weren't "unique" and had been raised by other employees "before you worked there, while you were there and after you left."
Westall noted in her letter that "all eight BP-operated Gulf of Mexico production facilities" received safety awards from MMS in 2009.
"Maintenance and general housekeeping were rated outstanding and personnel were most cooperative in assisting in the inspection activities," MMS said about BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling facilities. "Platform records were readily available for review and maintained to reflect current conditions."
Westall maintained that the whistleblower as well as Food & Water Watch had it all wrong. Their charges about missing documents has nothing to do with Atlantis' operational safety. Rather, Westall seemed to characterize their complaints as a clerical issue.
"The Atlantis project is a complex project with multiple phases," Westall said in her letter to Lanzone. "The [August 15, 2008] e-mail [written by Barry Duff, a member of the Atlantis subsea team] which was provided to you to support [Food & Water Watch's] allegations relates to the status of efforts to utilize a particular document management system to house and maintain the Atlantis documents. The document database includes engineering drawings for future phases, as well as components or systems which may have been modified, replaced, or not used."
But Representative Grijalva was not swayed by Westall's denials. He continued to press the issue with MMS, and in February, he and 18 other lawmakers signed a letter calling on MMS to probe whether BP "is operating its Atlantis offshore oil platform ... without professionally approved safety documents."
Grijalva said MMS has not "done enough so far to ensure worker and environmental safety at the site, in part because it has interpreted the relevant laws too loosely."
"[C]ommunications between MMS and congressional staff have suggested that while the company by law must maintain 'as-built' documents, there is no requirement that such documents be complete or accurate," the letter said. "This statement, if an accurate interpretation of MMS authorities, raises serious concerns" and requires "a thorough review at the agency level, the legal level and the corporate level. The world's largest oil rig cannot continue to operate without safety documentation. The situation is unacceptable and deserves immediate scrutiny.
"We also request that MMS describe how a regulation that requires offshore operators to maintain certain engineering documents, but does not require that those documents be complete or accurate, is appropriately protective of human health and the environment."
On March 26, MMS launched a formal investigation and is expected to file a report detailing its findings next month.
Zach Corrigan, a senior attorney with Food & Water Watch, said in an interview Thursday that he hopes MMS "will perform a real investigation" and if the agency fails to do so, Congress should immediately hold oversight hearings "and ensure that the explosion and mishap of the Horizon platform is not replicated."
"MMS didn't act on this for nearly a year," Corrigan said. "They seemed to think it wasn't a regulatory or an important safety issue. Atlantis is a real vulnerability."

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Woman whose skin is a radar map of storms

words always castrating, vials of estrus bile, dripping deceptively blistered from
unknown thunder, engagements
Leaving the GPS where even the desert fathers
would be lost for over 30 days and nights wondering where all the hissing came from;
nights of too many black dahlias
and not enough promise of spring bouquets,
can the dancers around the maypole
dress your wounds and take away your Mack 10
Your madness has reached around the four corners
and tasted your latest batch
of hops and herbs, a kettle stirred by
the blackest mamba with so many forks
in its weathered and veined tail,
psychopathic liars

dedicated to Crystal and Ch/Kristine and Robert Cloud and Mark Kachel (very evil people)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Daily thoughts,

Maintain awareness
Notice and name the thoughts and feelings
Try not to identify with them

Visualize being in a meadow and repeat this affirmation:

I am centered in awareness and listening within. (I am a vessel for God (a godhead) to work through me. I do not petition God for selfish reasons)


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

From National Geographic

Nearly 70% of the world's fresh water is locked in ice. Most of the rest is in aquifers that were draining much more quickly than the natural recharge rate. Two-thirds of our water is used to grow food. With 83 million more people on Earth each year, water demand will keep going up unless we change how we use it.

Americans use about 100 gallons of water at home each day. Millions of the world's poorest subsist on fewer than five gallons. 46 percent of people on earth do not have water piped to their homes. Women in developing countries walk an average of 3.7 miles to get water. In 15 years, 1.8 billion people will live in regions of severe water scarcity.

One out of eight people lacks access to clean water. 3.3 million die from water-related health problems each year. Washing hands with soap can reduce diarrheal disease by 45%. An eradication campaign that includes a simple water filter has cut the number of Guinea worm cases by 99.9% since 1986.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Amanda fucking Palmer

Support Elizabeth Warren!!

She is the politically savvy watchdog trying to save us from another devastating meltdown coming. She has Obama's ear and is trying to pass necessary safeguarding legislation to regulate our psychotic financial system and banks. The Republicans are busy trying to attack her. Stand behind the CFPA.


Friday, April 16, 2010

"God doesn't hate us. If he did he would not have made our hearts so bright."

--from the movie, "Feast of Love"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Be supportive of your bosses who have integrity and honesty and are supportive...

In my experience they would be:

Tom Phillips
Penny Kessler

Peggy Bailey
James ? at Pizza Hut
second pharmacist at Safeway after Eric left

Great thanks to you all!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thoughts on current events...and their stupidity*

I take issue with narcisism and vanity and human evil. *Stupidity can only result from such viewpoints and manipulations in support of such insecurities.

Inflicting pain to be cruel for the sake of fun and selfish reasons, lowers one to the state of nothing other than stupidity in lower brain functions. Those who jump on board with these ideas to perpetuate them as a master planner uses hapless fools to further their cruel (stupid) agendas takes humanity down to its basest levels (ie., Ch/ristina, a certain org. which must remain unnameable, Crystal, Robert, and George W. Bush) to create a game of isolating the person unwilling to get involved on a narcisistic and therefore senseless level. It is a good thing to warn other's of such manipulative peoples. They like playing rats.

Those that are afraid of the evil and lies they have committed therefore choose bombardment of threats and shift truth of their lying to how cruel one is (to point this out in them) and by never admitting their guilt in the face of questions asked, therefore sidestepping any responsibility. The sound and fury used to overwhelm the sincere person questioning their lies and lack of responsibility becomes a stupid weapon and any basic level of intelligence will see through this disguise (ie., lies and turning truthfully asked questions into an idea of persecution as witnessed by Jim's and Patrick's behavior).

Will the Mariners make .500?


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

After viewing a doc., "Favela Rising", about change in the favelas...

The message continues, Peace and Teamwork--keep the music and beat going within us all. Our actions have infinite effects ...

Love to personal and world consciousness, all our hearts are beating together


Saturday, April 10, 2010

End war and develop peace in our future...

We must dismantle the military industrial complex to re route funding for other needs. This is the best way to end the senseless and ceaseless war in Afghanistan and could have eliminated the Vietnam war. To this day I wonder why JFK (who was against the Vietnam war) was assassinated and why LBJ who escalated the war was left alone in his "great society".


Vitam Impendere Vero

Capital can not be left to the ruling capitalists as we've seen as they do not know how to handle it. It must be left to the poor and middle class. This flies in the face of the rich getting socialism and poor getting capitalism.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Tesseract's Wings

Seeing built out of long river bends
A hypercube bursting out of being
Embracing charred reflections
Burned from red and blue impressions
A child accidentally realizing a butterflies' mortality
Adult's hands of stretched and torn repeated mirroring assembly of mysterious yellow rejections
Built from faulty traditions...beheading rotten
statues of times without honor

Canceling credit for seven generations
Smashing crystal balls into feathered headbands
Rowing a rocket into a random and senseless universe,
God doesn't make the world this way--
We do. Can we all have spent time as whores
in weird and golden lives?
Did we look into microscopes of our old photographs
of stardust after their anticlimactic reports?
Finding a muse with prism x-ray visions
Perceiving time's loving abstractions;
Don't let her slip away,
My sweet I promise you emeralds in May,
Keep the love seat a warming testimonial,
a caress of your neck in honest prayer--
I'll be there in 5...

...trodden and bleeding blindness
stigmata to stamp a dreamer to death
unless he becomes a butterfly fast
without rest.
There is only a danger in false reflections,
Pools governed by Pilate's secret police~
Pretending without listening, their cruelest punchline...
Does it feel lonely?
We can only defy lethargic laws of entropy,
Jumping off a cliff to save our lives;
Society's velvet fool with a most benevolent smile
Garnering hopeful release
...dancing to "Indian Summer Sky"

Aaron Crosetto 2009

Hopeful evolutionary leap...

What are the roots of human evil? Vanity and ego and what they do with power and its misuse and 'mammon'. Therefore greed and ownership (to excess) are truly an absurd notion. Once we let go of unnecessary perceived notions of ownership and prescribing to selfish rugged individualistic notions, then we can have community and work as a TEAM. This is a key notion to understand. Our country has proven that Kleptocracies* and Plutonomies* will only benefit a tiny percentage at the TOP. Do not allow group denial of this situation to permeate one's thinking; it will eventually ruin most people's futures. This includes the future of your country. Well regulated capitalism (remember Mr. Nader, Dr. Stieglitz, Adam Smith, etc.)works, but requires transparency and control of our financial insitutions as they have proven that greed rules all of their thinking and will put us right back into a serious financial bubble like the one we are back in. We need to rebuild the middle class and the blue collar class, our main tax base.

Move to amend unlimited funding for corporations and lobby groups to buy our future politicians and therefore laws as well. This is a serious danger to everyone! Repeal NAFTA. The World Bank utterly revised, same with the IMF.

Manufacturing consent will teach you only about consumption and egoistic self-centeredness; we really can live more simply and with less--let's allow other countries to have food, water, essentials and more as well. Let's get collectives and co-ops going; give tax incentives to businesses and organizations that give back to the community. EGO must be put continually in check in order for such a thing to happen. Racism, sexism, hate crimes, targeting of people or groups will diminish and people will become more accepting of differences and more connected. Be prepared for egoistic people to resist this for a while, maybe quite a while. There were native cultures, etc. that succeeded on this level until Europeans and early Americans enslaved and wiped them out.

Our country is still quite decadent in its attitudes, the "have's" feeling they have entitlement to so much, while everyone else so little... (This includes U.S. citizens, so many citizens of other countries, sweatshop workers, those trapped in servitude, slavery and the sex trade, etc.). Look at the negative, even sociopathic behavior of our CEO's.

Consumerism is consuming us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Ownership is necessary for essential items, sustainable healthy crops and foods, and some fun earned items desired; sharing is useful for most other things. Continual accumulation of "stuff" does not lead to happiness. It only feeds negative, addictive habit patterns. How do we each take steps to throw off this yoke of social engineering of "selfishness" that tells us how we should covet and remain divided from our neighbors. Unplug ridiculous walkmans and MP3 players and smart phones and such gadget garbage that causes greater forms of separation. How do we self educate and communicate beyond prescribed agendas by our lacking education centers rooted in old models? That answer is inate and requires we learn outside the box to a degree. Look within. Get creative. We support each other's strengths and build each other's weaknesses into strengths. This is team work supporting each other in the growing process. We are allowed to make mistakes; this compassionate and more relaxed approach can build confidence and relax the mind/heart to become more effective in its creative and critical thought processes. Search out people in your organizations, community who will work with these ideas and try to grow this network. Allow workers part of the stock of the company; upper management needs to communicate sincere interest in their lives and work. It will perhaps be a slow process in the beginning, for a while. Yes it will take some time. Old habits and power niches take time to undo. There are techniques for retraining the mind for this. I know from personal experience.

Ownership is an outdated, false notion when taken to our extremes. As long as we support that thinking (as well as others, we can help change that by example)--there will be endless crimes, wars, incarcerations, terrorism, etc. If you want to hoard, there will always be BIGGER fishes waiting to gobble you up!

Think about what it is you really want out of life and feel you need to own? And do you want to be socially engineered into fearful, complacent corporate drones (not to mention manipulating each other for limited power niches) as we head into fascism/authoritarianism in the U.S. Think is your own ability to control your own thoughts no one else can control that will be your real place of power (opening your heart I've found is the greatest source of power I know of) from which we can work toward common, TEAM-oriented goals. Much less disparity and bureaucratic levels financially and of power. As a team worker this means also allowing individual creativity blended with eliminating egoism. Believe it free thinking will prevail and self-motivation will be enhanced. The other capitalism we have witnessed will eat itself and destroy its people as we've seen and can well predict.

*read "Germs, Guns and Steel" by Jared Diamond. Other books explore this as well.

Aaron Crosetto 2008

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The thinking mind cannot understand Presence and so will often misinterpret it. It will say you are uncaring, distant, have no compassion, are not relating. The truth is, you are relating but at a level deeper than thought and emotion. In fact, at that level there is a true coming together, a true joining that goes far beyond relating. In the stillness of Presence, you can sense the formless essence in yourself and in the other as one. Knowing the oneness of yourself and the other is true love, true care, true compassion.

--Eckart Tolle

Unconscious people--and many remain unconscious, trapped in their egos throughout their lives--will quickly tell you who they are: their name, their occupation, their personal history, the shape or state of their body, and whatever else they identify with. Others may appear to be more evolved because they think of themselves as an immortal soul or divine spirit. But do they really know themselves, or have they just added some spiritual-sounding concepts to the content of their mind? Knowing yourself goes far deeper than the adoption of a set of ideas or beliefs. Spiritual ideas and beliefs may at best be helpful pointers, but in themselves they rarely have the power to dislodge the more firmly established core concepts of who you think you are, which are part of the conditioning of the human mind. Knowing yourself deeply has nothing to do with whatever ideas are floating around in your mind. Knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind.

--Eckart Tolle

Saturday, March 27, 2010

And when Darkness consumes the Starlight, nightmares rule the night...

Christina and the SPD murdered my life in the U District in 2001,
The vanity and arrogance campaigned to bleed the innocent
without truth, rhyme or reason...
Property destroyed and smear campaigns in season.
How had it begun?
Patrick went on roving in the district, was I blamed for this?
Very sorry about my OCD and rage taken out sideways through Stepworks vending (it wasn't a sin)
What about the old guard? What about the new guard?
Crystal lied and Letia lied and Bob lied, etc. and Robert Cloud set out to cause deviciveness for selfish manipulation, the women (is this what female empowerment has come to??) and some men tricked--
into cutting me off from connection(--alone), to make me powerless, to help Crystal after what she's done?? Save the 5 Point Cafe?? What the other's have done? How naive are they? I believe they have been fooled into thinking I'm this bad person...
whispering with the chicanery of lummoxes--
with lumbering vanity and arrogance to bleed the defenseless;
why would they not communicate?
Ruining my life again in a sociopathic neighborhood.
What could I have done to stop it that I had not tried?
Pulling things out of context by finkish fiends like rats they are~~
Death riding a Harley with a white flag into my life
leaving a trail of blood to try to cover their sins...
Who is this old guard of men?



I recommend the following books:

"The Nine, inside the secret world of the Supreme Court" by Jeffrey Toobin
"A New Earth" by Eckart Tolle
"Cutter and Bone" by Newton Thornburg
"McMafia" by Misha Glenny


Watch: "The Decline of America" (w/ Naomi Wolfe), "Why We Fight" (doc.), "Blue Gold" (doc.), "Crude" (doc.), "Food, Inc." (doc.), "Enron" (doc.)

Happy viewing!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Too bad

we can't find a way to swing the Supreme Court in a more progressive direction like in the days of Chief Justice Warren's era.


Thursday, March 25, 2010


Through service we grow
In love, deeper and deeper
Opening our hearts, so~
Every once in a while we must step
back, and then
Leave plateaus for higher mastery.
Is this what growing into the mystery
God always suspending us over the abyss
With a child's hands

Aaron Crosetto 2008


When we rise
Wake up and roar!
Our mind's eye
Aligning our heart ever more.
We sing wind and fire--
Breathe earth and meadow
Counting the notes in between heartbeats
Always listening within...
Letting thought waves flow
Harmlessly above;
Earning no less,
Seeking no more.

*means "Joy"

Please keep letting Congress know we need to limit corporate donations toward political candidates; low financial limitations need to be set

We also need FDR's second Bill of Rights put into law like it was originally intended to be. FDR died a month later is why it was not then.


Serious people will have serious enemies. Sadly true, fight the good fight. Water rights activism yay; money is not more important than water.

Boycott companies destroying wetlands by taking too much water away. Help stop or control corporations (Suez, Coca Cola, Veolia, etc.) trying to control and privatize water in the world.

The U.S. is huge in trying to control water rights around the world. This amounts to life and death in other countries. How can we change such negative aspects of the World Bank?

Grow constituencies toward water rights.

Thanks, Aaron


I have been informed that King County is the third most corrupt county in the nation by someone in and out of the system for a long time~~

It certainly makes sense from my experience...