Tuesday, August 10, 2010


..."the love of money has the ability to extinct the entire human race..."

As things are, it will do just that. We must now work as a team and as a community to farm together, conserve resources together, save gold and good seeds (not frankinseeds!), learn medical knowledge--first aid and CPR as a start, self defense skills, engineering, etc., sharing and caring above all else. We must share our smiles and laugh as much as we can...then and only then do we have a chance to pull thru our future. We must adapt to the major limits of energy our money is based on. It simply can not sustain. It will not sustain any where near the levels we are consuming, intelligence has known it for decades.

We will go thru denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then finally acceptance as Kubler Ross explained as we adapt to starting over with civilization.


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