What are the roots of human evil? Vanity and ego and what they do with power and its misuse and 'mammon'. Therefore greed and ownership (to excess) are truly an absurd notion. Once we let go of unnecessary perceived notions of ownership and prescribing to selfish rugged individualistic notions, then we can have community and work as a TEAM. This is a key notion to understand. Our country has proven that Kleptocracies* and Plutonomies* will only benefit a tiny percentage at the TOP. Do not allow group denial of this situation to permeate one's thinking; it will eventually ruin most people's futures. This includes the future of your country. Well regulated capitalism (remember Mr. Nader, Dr. Stieglitz, Adam Smith, etc.)works, but requires transparency and control of our financial insitutions as they have proven that greed rules all of their thinking and will put us right back into a serious financial bubble like the one we are back in. We need to rebuild the middle class and the blue collar class, our main tax base.
Move to amend unlimited funding for corporations and lobby groups to buy our future politicians and therefore laws as well. This is a serious danger to everyone! Repeal NAFTA. The World Bank utterly revised, same with the IMF.
Manufacturing consent will teach you only about consumption and egoistic self-centeredness; we really can live more simply and with less--let's allow other countries to have food, water, essentials and more as well. Let's get collectives and co-ops going; give tax incentives to businesses and organizations that give back to the community. EGO must be put continually in check in order for such a thing to happen. Racism, sexism, hate crimes, targeting of people or groups will diminish and people will become more accepting of differences and more connected. Be prepared for egoistic people to resist this for a while, maybe quite a while. There were native cultures, etc. that succeeded on this level until Europeans and early Americans enslaved and wiped them out.
Our country is still quite decadent in its attitudes, the "have's" feeling they have entitlement to so much, while everyone else so little... (This includes U.S. citizens, so many citizens of other countries, sweatshop workers, those trapped in servitude, slavery and the sex trade, etc.). Look at the negative, even sociopathic behavior of our CEO's.
Consumerism is consuming us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Ownership is necessary for essential items, sustainable healthy crops and foods, and some fun earned items desired; sharing is useful for most other things. Continual accumulation of "stuff" does not lead to happiness. It only feeds negative, addictive habit patterns. How do we each take steps to throw off this yoke of social engineering of "selfishness" that tells us how we should covet and remain divided from our neighbors. Unplug ridiculous walkmans and MP3 players and smart phones and such gadget garbage that causes greater forms of separation. How do we self educate and communicate beyond prescribed agendas by our lacking education centers rooted in old models? That answer is inate and requires we learn outside the box to a degree. Look within. Get creative. We support each other's strengths and build each other's weaknesses into strengths. This is team work supporting each other in the growing process. We are allowed to make mistakes; this compassionate and more relaxed approach can build confidence and relax the mind/heart to become more effective in its creative and critical thought processes. Search out people in your organizations, community who will work with these ideas and try to grow this network. Allow workers part of the stock of the company; upper management needs to communicate sincere interest in their lives and work. It will perhaps be a slow process in the beginning, for a while. Yes it will take some time. Old habits and power niches take time to undo. There are techniques for retraining the mind for this. I know from personal experience.
Ownership is an outdated, false notion when taken to our extremes. As long as we support that thinking (as well as others, we can help change that by example)--there will be endless crimes, wars, incarcerations, terrorism, etc. If you want to hoard, there will always be BIGGER fishes waiting to gobble you up!
Think about what it is you really want out of life and feel you need to own? And do you want to be socially engineered into fearful, complacent corporate drones (not to mention manipulating each other for limited power niches) as we head into fascism/authoritarianism in the U.S. Think again...it is your own ability to control your own thoughts no one else can control that will be your real place of power (opening your heart I've found is the greatest source of power I know of) from which we can work toward common, TEAM-oriented goals. Much less disparity and bureaucratic levels financially and of power. As a team worker this means also allowing individual creativity blended with eliminating egoism. Believe it free thinking will prevail and self-motivation will be enhanced. The other capitalism we have witnessed will eat itself and destroy its people as we've seen and can well predict.
*read "Germs, Guns and Steel" by Jared Diamond. Other books explore this as well.
Aaron Crosetto 2008
Thursday, April 1, 2010
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