Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"The smoker you drink, the drummer you get."

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Aqualicatist

The Aqualicatist
why we ask about rules not yet shared
sometimes further ever after we divine the rules shared
an artist not easily beguiled
water flowing through streaking mud
ginger chewed to bring on a radar map of storms
double zero I have dialed
relinquishing form
flesh a bringer of liquid form
amid mud and sticks and stones
we evolve against gravity, anarchy, entropy
sometimes further ever after we divine the rules shared
water-born scientists with form
even if the words and rules are all
made up.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

City Foods on 5th and Vine

Why does Bob get away with telling the public (and I have witnesses) harrassing me while I have bought things there, telling the public that I am "schizophrenic" just to be cruel and it is not true, and then telling customers who come in there from my neighborhood that "I am nothing but a nut" and what a waste it is to protect and be just toward citizens such as myself and Victoria. That is harrassment. He should be sued like Jim Ware only for different reasons. If Jim Ware gets mad at me because I call him on his lies, he tells lies and tries to smear me and has done so. Patrick too. The three amigos. How much abuse can a person take? I am edgier and more afraid and it is easier for me to fly off the handle which I hardly ever do. I just don't feel like my happy joyful self and instead of dealing with these roots of problems, CPC just tries to medicate me further into lobotamy state. Hard to work and be creative that way. The whole thing is a travesty!

Why was I psychologically attacked and smeared in the U District when I was trying to heal from schizoaffective disorder, PTSD and severe depression? It made me crazy to the point of spending into deep holes as a side effect. I took a few things (a bottle of wine and some swords, I have no idea why??? but was not rational at that point) and then returned them or payed for them the next day with the wine. I took a roll of quarters once to buy alcohol and replaced the money next day at work for coping reasons. Why didn't they give me hydroxizine instead of leaving me hanging into the wind and freaking out inside...so I would need alcohol to calm down? Also, Why were so many things stolen from me? I wanted something back for everything including my life destroyed and taken away. What kind of society does this to a member?? Why is Patrick such a coward like my parents have been? My parents are just now starting to care and work with me after all these years. Patrick is dangerous and sly and a pathological liar, so I may not get payed back, if only a little and he will justify it in his mind that he has payed me back. Jim Ware lied to me a number of times, and I bet he has no intention of ever squaring up with me. He and Patrick by the numbers should be serious felons...but how does one get justice when Jim kept our hours and we have no record? Fearful and scared.


What they owe and why did they take such advantage of me?

Why won't Jim Ware pay me the money he promised he would pay me after her lost the contract at the Seattle Tower? Why is Patrick Shepherd making little effort at all to pay me back the few thousand he owes me? What can I do? Why didn't Patrick when he knew I was losing it back in 2003-4, help me get help or notify someone that I was losing my mind and posting things that didn't even make sense? Did he not care? Victoria should have said something too but I believe she knew less about what was happening to me... The two years to three years starting back in 2001 when I was severely targeted by Christina, street kids, a policeman (why?) drove me into a contained form of madness. Some of what I was hearing was very real, destruction of my car continually was real, smearing me around the U D was real, but it pushed me to the point I started "hearing things" and it became an art to try to tell it apart. What a nightmare my life has been ever since. I want to die so badly.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Through the eyes of an adult

"I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day in my fort."--ZG

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Majority of people in this area, etc. are nothing but stubborn fools with an alarming lack of judgement. The heart and true thought is sacrificed for ignorance.
