Friday, August 20, 2010

Read everything by Michael C. Ruppert

Don't be fooled, this man and his analysts and activists are the true prophets of our times...

If you don't have the money to buy his books, go to the library.

Thank you, Aaron

Saturday, August 14, 2010

More thoughts on adjusting to energy changes...

It takes a lot of oil and petroleum to make current alternative cars and anything alternative at this point, so might be hard to sustain a changeover even to electric cars, wind and solar. Also for irrigation and trucking for hemp oil and food and textiles.

But never underestimate the power of the human spirit and it's ability to be challenged and to work cooperatively!


What is our dollar based on?

Think on this...our dollar is based almost solely on energy (oil), a heap load of I.O.U.s and silver boulion (like England). Now when energy starts to run out including coal perhaps, the dollar will be worth??? Do we want to be like the Weimar Republic and use wheelbarrows of $1000 dollar bills to buy a loaf of bread?

How do we change energy systems and new ways of backing the dollar? Do we even worry about it since we must become self sustaining groups of farmers with limited energy.

Things to think about...


Preparation for the falling off the energy grid...over years

We peaked in oil in the 1970s, now what will happen as demand far outstrips supply? Our society is completely based on oil.

Also, the people fortified and prepared alone with their families in countryside will last only as long as they can. People growing as a team will have a better long run chance. Anyone running to the hills when it is too late will not in all likelihood be able to farm from scratch and will get picked off by those survivalists well entrenched. I don't think either group will survive as well in the long run. That is the important transition of society after the collapse of lack of oil and energy. Also, large groups farming in the countryside may do well. Everyone must be very wary of gangs and groups intent on pillaging and plundering who are armed. Be aware of vengeful groups against Americans too. How well will our military survive to help others when they may be thinking of how will they survive. Hopefully they will band as teams with farming groups. Food and water will be number one, not oil.

Currently, oil is number one at determing all policy regarding anything in the world, esp. the U.S. Study country living skills, Tom Brown, Jr. and societies that live without energy coming from petroleum or needing petroleum to sustain... Study how to gather water and keep it safe. Learn self defense skills and as much medical knowledge as you can. Store medical supplies and canned goods. As food transportation is affected by lack of energy and water transportation, we need to work as a team to preserve this based on how much we are forced off the grid.

Again, we have time to prepare for this and need to be prepared for tough survival scenarios and hopefully it will not be as hard as we think; we can be pleasantly surprised then. In the meantime until we know...prepare prepare prepare. Psychologically and physically.

I will step off the soapbox now and have a pleasant morning, enjoy everything to the fullest.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

film: Battle in Haditha

a multi-view look at the madness of war and atrocities it can cause when one does not believe one's country or the service is behind you, the frustrations and alienation and murder that can result; it also examines how different groups and cultures involved perceive this conflict, especially when US invaders are attacking Iraqi's for its own selfish craving for oil, which barely helps us as we, the Saudi's etc are all running out of oil. The US infrastructure as it stands is almost entirely based on oil. Electricity, trucking, cars and other fuel sources all currently still require much much oil, more than will sustain in the future.

Take a gander at this interesting and very sad war picture.



..."the love of money has the ability to extinct the entire human race..."

As things are, it will do just that. We must now work as a team and as a community to farm together, conserve resources together, save gold and good seeds (not frankinseeds!), learn medical knowledge--first aid and CPR as a start, self defense skills, engineering, etc., sharing and caring above all else. We must share our smiles and laugh as much as we can...then and only then do we have a chance to pull thru our future. We must adapt to the major limits of energy our money is based on. It simply can not sustain. It will not sustain any where near the levels we are consuming, intelligence has known it for decades.

We will go thru denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then finally acceptance as Kubler Ross explained as we adapt to starting over with civilization.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

The truth of people with addictions...

...the drunker you think, the smoker you get...

Aaron (reminiscent of Joe Walsh's album title)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Letter to Congress 9 8-3-10

Gosh golly darn I sure hope Congress will listen this time...

1. Will the Federal Government please come thru on paying the matching funds promptly as agreed upon in the FMAP. Excuse me, some people are trying to survive that did not think of buying part of Fort Knox when it seemed more affordable. (On credit of course).

2. Can someone handy with a pen help write to Congress that we do not accept the Dodd-Frank bill passed into law as it stands. We are headed nightmarishly into a more finely tuned bubble to burst in a decade or less. Can we please have everything in article 716 put back to stop derivatives and credit default swaps from ever occuring again in my life time!! No more excuses to make hedges to compete with other hedge fund companies... Someone please arrest those involved starting with Tim Geitner and the names on the bill, consider listening more to Paul Volcker.

3. We need to buy back once publicly owned and ran energy companies, say from Constellation Energy (Warren Buffet). We need all the energy we can get for public infrastructure, electric grids, and the military to fend off possible attacks from China, Mexican Cartels, terrorist attacks, etc. We need our rightful energy properly regulated for our public needs!! We need anti trust laws again. We need to reregulate the deregulation caused by the Bush Administration! Please do not waste any more time; must be done at once especially with the fact we and everyone else is running out of affordable energy and the ability to get at it at an affordable price.

Thank you for listening to me while you play your MP4 player at maximum volume,

Sadly and scared, Aaron

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Letter to Congress 8 7-31-10

1. We need to connect America with light, medium, and heavy rail and make it convenient to access for public. It would be more economically efficient, would cut down on traffic problems, would save enormous amounts of money at city, county, and national levels, and would put many people back to work. America desperately needs to change from being dependant on the automobile to accepting diverse, greener modes of transportation. Let's make Seattle as bike friendly as possible.

2. In Seattle, can we make it so no civilian cars are allowed within the downtown area which will be properly designated. Make many parking garages on the outskerts. Allow only police vehicles, trucks distributing product to merchants, scooters, bicycles, pedestrians and maybe motorcycles. Rail and buses would be used for general public needs. This is used effectively all over the world.

3. In Seattle, have Metro run a dedicated bus in the ride free area only which never collects fees. All other buses are pay as you enter; this will cut down on all the losses Metro has on unpaid bus fares.

4. Can hemp be grown in mass quantities for food, beverage, oil, and textiles, etc. We could use the nation's vast areas that are used to grow worthless low grade corn for instance. Give farmers financial incentives to grow hemp. Also, put forward legislation boycotting Monsanto from controlling smaller farmers by not allowing Monsanto to sue over diseased crop manipulations and letting their GMOs take over the market.

5. I want to push the bill that will move to amend the decision by the Supreme Court to allow unlimited funds to buy politicians at once! It will put more limits on countries and lobby groups and corporations from controlling politicians. That would end this wonderful nation and would promote the idea of revolution or just plain collapse economically.

Thank you very much for listening to me,


Aaron Crosetto
